Real source of the Loire River

Gerbier de Jonc

07510 Sainte-Eulalie

Telephone : 04 66 69 09 37

  • Listed natural site

The Touring Club de France built a landmark in 1938 to mark the ''source authentique", the real source of the Loire River. A nearby information panel provides details of the Gerbier de Jonc platform and the council information booth .

Le monument doit prochainement être restauré et agrémenté d'une oeuvre artistique afin de lui restituer son caractère symbolique. La Loire prend sa source dans l'est du Massif central, au pied sud du mont Gerbier de Jonc, dans la commune ardéchoise de Sainte-Eulalie.

Période d'ouverture

All year round.

Facilities / Interests


Bar, Public WC, Themed path, Parking nearby


Guided individual tours, Unguided group tours, Guided group tours, Coach access, Themed tour, Set down on-site for groups, Tourist brochures, Restaurant, Unguided individual tours

Duree Moyenne Visite Groupe


Duree Moyenne Visite Individuelle


Prestations Visites Individuelles

Unguided individual tours available permanently
Guided individual tours available permanently

Prestations Visites Groupees

Unguided group tours available permanently
Guided group tours available permanently

Complement Visite

Nature guides accompany you along the Sentier des Sources de la Loire path (path of the sources) every day of the week during the months of July and August, and during the weekends in late June and early September. You can also walk the path unaccompanied: past the geographical and authentic sources, follow the blue dots on the path that starts in front of the Gerbier de Jonc restaurant, left of the road that comes from the Gerbier de Jonc esplanade.







Latitude : 44.842025

Longitude : 4.219437

Altitude : 1417 m

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Source des données

APIDAE - L'information touristique

Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:22